July 22, 2021
5-10 min

Changing News Reading Consumption : Personalized User Experience

Case Summary & Objective

This case study is broken down into 3 main Phases.

Phase 1: Current Problems & Required Solutions
Phase 2: Product Initiatives : Solutions Roadmap
Phase 3: All Designs – Live Mint ( PWA version – Home Page & Article Detail)

1. Getting Started : Business Goals & Context Summary

1.1 Business Goals

This research will help speed up the revenue, improve product goals, bring more direct to consumer traffic and help build a community of avid news readers.

1.2 Executive Strategy

Our goal is to revamp mobile sites with agile methodology in sprints with new overhaul keeping business objectives in mind.


Higher user engagement rates on mobile site with improved metrics.
User Retention
Build DTC (direct to consumer communication)
Introduce content commerce initiatives
Increase DAU/MAU, overall APP downloads

2. Current Problems & Required Solutions

Following will show problems statements associated with HT media platforms w.r.t overall user consumption.

– Below shows the areas of improvements, categorized into Design, Product and Performance scopes.

Key Goals : Product, Performance & Design

Following are the problems associated with user disassociation – due to speed constraints, technology barriers in low-tier cities where Internet speed is slower and mostly on 2G and 3G connections.

2.3 Key Solutions Areas: Problem Vs. Solution Roadmap

Problems & Associated Solutions Map

3. Problem Statement : User Experience – Home Page Mobile

Design and UX solutions Shown below

Browsing Experience improvement via increasing

– Time Spent
– PV’s / Sessions
– Direct Users

3.1 Problem Statement: Home Page Listings – Lack of Categorizations

3.2 Problem Statement : Section Page: Information Loss | Non Linearity in Design

4. Problem : Lack of User Engagement

Solutions: Widgets for DTC growth & Logged in View

– Newsletter widget – one click subscription
– Login Pull – Personalisation widget for custom Browsing Experience
– Personalised Experience : Preference and history based content consumption